Friday, March 18, 2011


1978: the year of the Volkswagen Rabbit; home brewed beer; and a stripped down, drugged up Rolling Stones tour.....
also the year that a young, Bill Cunningham started his career as the, soon to be, most notable and respected street Fashion photographer to ever live. 

Alright kids, so -yea, he dropped out of Harvard, but ever since then, he's been kickin street style ass and taking names. Contributing heavily to the fashion journalism in the New York Times, he managed to snap an infamous shot of Greta Garbo...which started his regular series contribution to the Times. 

Bill pushed the limits and took fashion out of the the runways....and made it original, and FUN! His keen eye and sheer talent are beyond any words I can form but I'll tell you this: he is one of the only photo snapping event going fashion stalking men that models and celebs actually LOVE. I'm talking invites to exclusive parties and a whole lotta R.E.S.P.E.C.T! He lives minimally and gets by on his down to earth persona and humble approach to life and fashion.....and his dashing good looks of course! 
Still kickin it hard at the age of 80+, I love this Bill character and I cannot wait to catch his new documentary. If you have an ounce of respect for fashion or amazing visual stimulation.....if you have a soft spot for Tommy Ton, or outfit posting blogistas - please show respect to the man that gave way and made ALL of it possible - push those boundaries oh fine fine fashion's not about the money - its about the love.

" The main thing I love about street photography is that you find the answers you don't see at the fashion shows. This was something I realized early on: if you just cover the designers in the shows, that's only one facet. You also need the street and the evening hours. If you cover the three things, you have the full picture of what people are wearing." - Bill Cunningham

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