gotta throw down for the Bong since they can do no wrong in my book. Here's a few of my current faaaaavorites...

Number 1. Is it just me? or does the billabong Jr's marketing get more rad and more b.e.a.utiful every season?

Number 2: If you ain't still filthy with it, then you should educate yourself and check out the much anticipated "Still Filthy" surf film that bong men's marketing fired out at ASR this year- the soundtrack is amazing and every single surfer's part in the film is epic - keep a keen eye out for the Wade Goodall section because it's pretty mind blowing.......

Already caught the film?.... well, pack up your retro onesie snowsuit and head over to Colorado for the premiere of their collaboration with Transworld Snowboarding "GET REAL".... .. and hey, while you're not digging on Scotty Lago, you can snag some free chipotle burritos from the Billabong RV.....

Number 3. - savin the best for last: - > any news about Taj Burrow is good news to me - but when you add fashion in there, that's a double dose of sexy. Holiday '09 just got a whole lot merrier -- Taj has collaborated with the bong team to make a small collection of sportswear that's bound to make any guy look a little mo betta..... check it out at

ahhhhh.... so dreamy : )
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