TONIGHT (Friday the 25th if you didn't know)
if you are in the mood to be completely blown away by
a musical experience, dig thru your couch cushions and scrounge up 9 bucks..... and Pre-game- cuz you're headed to the Soma.....

Sleep in, I know you're hungover.... have a bloody mary and throw on some dirty clothes, our friends at Element and family at Beachworks are throwin down at south coast plaza - get your skate sesh and tie dye sesh on.....

If you're a silverlake lova and a spaceland/echoplex dweller, the name Nico Stai couldn't
possibly draw a blank for you. If you have not seen his music, let alone heard his haunting
and addictive lyrical prowess-- you muuuuust head to Bar Pink to let him and his band pull
you into their mesmerizing performance. I cannot count how many times i have seen him
play... and in no way is that embarrassing : )

Element skate event?! be still my heart... i am there.